Sharing of good practices in Poland
2014 m. liepos 07 d.

11th of April project “Grass-root municipality social dialogue” leader Tomas Tomilinas took part in the conference “Municipal as an employer“ 11th of April project “Grass-root municipality social dialogue” leader Tomas Tomilinas took part in the conference “Municipal as an employer“ in Poland. This conference – part of of the Polish Association of Municipalities project "Social dialogue in the municipal sector and enterprises“, funded by the Norway grant.

In the conference were presented eleven projects implemented in Poland. For example in Opole region, Popielów municipality, was carried out a questionnaire to determine whether municipal employees feel satisfaction at work, and looking for measures to improve working conditions. According T. Tomilinas this was a very clear example that people often say "okay" when they are asked about work, but the request to answer specific questions reveals that job satisfaction is often not felt. Employees were asked about understanding of the tasks, are they correspond with their own expectations, is the stress at work a common thing, and so on.

The annual survey for several years showed that the situation is improving because employees are suggesting, how  to improve the working conditions. Lithuanian project "Grass-root municipality social dialogue” coordinator believes that a similar questionnaire to be beneficial to Lithuania's municipalities.

All projects in Poland participated in the competition, and promoters of best choosen project will have the opportunity to travel to Norway. Furthermore, the examples of good practices "settle down" in the website According to T. Tomilinas it is very good idea because it's much easier to adapt someone else's already proven project, than to reinvent the bicycle again.

From the presentation made by T. Tomilinas participants of the conference have had possibility to get information about the Lithuanian Trade Union movement, the current issues, challenges, which measures Lithuanian promoters intend to intensify, and in some cases even just to start n Poland. This conference – part of of the Polish Association of Municipalities project "Social dialogue in the municipal sector and enterprises“, funded by the Norway grant.

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